Support groups & information resources
The Enchanté Network of Canada
Enchanté is a national network connecting and supporting over 160 pride centres and 2SLGBTQ+ service providers in all provinces. Trans Canadians can use their membership list to find support locally.
ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Ascn) Global Directory
ILGA provides a worldwide directory of lgbtq groups and information on the status of trans people globally.
CenterLink Directory of LGBTQ Centers (US+)
CenterLink is one place to look for local lgbtq support especially in the US.
Trans Lifeline
Support for US and Canadian residents, dedicated to the well being of transgender people. They run a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have.
Transgender Peer Associates
A not-for-profit company, that aims to provide social and emotional support services, including peer support and mentoring, to any individual that identifies as transgender, transexual, gender assigned incongruent, transvestite, crossdresser, intersex, gender queer, gender questioning or any actual or perceived gender variance, their significant others and those who support them.
Gendered Intelligence
Creative workshops, arts programmes, conferences and youth group sessions.
Transsexual Road Map
An excellent free guide to process of transitioning, and the social issues around it.
Transgender Zone
Comprehensive website including medical information, a guide to venues and opinion about transgender representation in the media for both MtFs and FtMs.
Scottish Transgender Alliance
Support for trans people, equality organisations, policymakers and employers in Scotland, UK.
Family and individual support for teenagers and children with gender identity issues.
Gender trust
Organisation which supports adults whose lives are affected by gender identity issues, as well as families and employers of transsexual or transgender people.
Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)
Information for trans people, their families and medical professionals.
Clare Project
Brighton, UK based support group ‘open to anyone wishing to explore issues around gender identity’.
The Beaumont Society
National self-help body run by and for those who cross-dress or are transsexual, and for their partners.